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10 Toxic Foods for Dogs – Every Pet Parent Should Know This

With a pet member at home comes great responsibility. Dogs  make it hard for you to say 'No" when they expect something from you, particularly if you are enjoying some great food. I am sure cat persons will feel the same about their cats. Much as you feel tempted to share your food with them, it is best to remember not all human foods are dog-safe. Certain foods that are safe for us can cause poisoning, organ failure, or even death in dogs. Every pet family should be aware of the foods toxic to dogs so they can ensure their pet's health. 1. Chocolate Chocolate is one of those snacks that some feel tempted to share with their dogs but chocolate is bad for dogs as it is toxic.  Why is it toxic: Chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine,  which are harmful to dogs. Feeding chocolates to dogs would cause adverse effects.  Source: Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich: and-white-dog-beside-a-pile-of-chocolate-pancakes-and-a-frothy-drink-i...

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