10 Toxic Foods for Dogs – Every Pet Parent Should Know This

With a pet member at home comes great responsibility. Dogs  make it hard for you to say 'No" when they expect something from you, particularly if you are enjoying some great food. I am sure cat persons will feel the same about their cats. Much as you feel tempted to share your food with them, it is best to remember not all human foods are dog-safe. Certain foods that are safe for us can cause poisoning, organ failure, or even death in dogs. Every pet family should be aware of the foods toxic to dogs so they can ensure their pet's health.

1. Chocolate

Chocolate is one of those snacks that some feel tempted to share with their dogs but chocolate is bad for dogs as it is toxic. 

Why is it toxic: Chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine,  which are harmful to dogs. Feeding chocolates to dogs would cause adverse effects. 

Source: Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-brown-

Symptoms of Caffeine Toxicity in Dogs: 

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea 
  • Increased heart rate 
  • Tremors 
  • Seizures 
Safe alternative to Chocolate for dogs: Carob, which is a dog-friendly chocolate substitute. Just have some for your pet so you can eat your chocolate guilt-free.

2. Grapes & Raisins

Why they’re toxic: Even a small amount can cause kidney failure in dogs. 

Symptoms of Grapes and Raisins Toxicity in Dogs: 

  • Vomiting 
  • Lethargy 
  • Loss of appetite 
  • Increased urination followed by decreased urination. 
Safe alternative: Blueberries or apple slices.

3. Onions 

Why they’re toxic: These contain compounds that can damage a dog’s red blood cells, leading to anemia. 

Symptoms of Onion Toxicity in Dogs: 

  • Weakness 
  • Pale gums 
  • Lethargy 
  • Shortness of breath
Safe alternative: Spinach

4. Xylitol (Artificial Sweetener)

Why it’s toxic: Found in sugar-free gum, candy, and peanut butter, xylitol causes a rapid drop in blood sugar and liver failure. 

Symptoms of Xylitol Toxicity in Dogs:

  • Vomiting 
  • Weakness 
  • Seizures 
  • Coma 
Safe alternative: Plain, unsweetened peanut butter.

5. Alcohol

Why it’s toxic: Even small amounts of alcohol can cause intoxication and damage a dog’s central nervous system. 

Symptoms of Alcohol Toxicity in Dogs 

  • Confusion 
  • Vomiting 
  • Slow breathing 
  • Collapse
Safe alternative: Homemade dog-friendly smoothies.

6. Caffeine (Coffee & Tea)

Why it’s toxic: Caffeine is a stimulant that can lead to heart problems and nervous system issues. 

Symptoms of Caffeine Toxicity in Dogs: 

  • Hyperactivity 
  • Restlessness 
  • Tremors 
  • Rapid heart rate
Safe alternative: Tender coconut water 

7. Avocado

Why it’s toxic: Contains persin, which can cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. 

Symptoms of avocado toxicity in dogs: 

  • Upset stomach
  • Difficulty breathing in severe cases 
Safe alternative: Cooked sweet potatoes

8. Macadamia Nuts

Why they’re toxic: Even a small amount can cause weakness, tremors, and hyperthermia. 

Symptoms of macadamina nut toxicity in dogs: 

  • Lethargy 
  • Vomiting 
  • Tremors 
  • Fever
Safe alternative: Unsalted cashews or peanuts 

9. Raw Dough (Yeast Dough)

Why it’s toxic: Expands in the stomach, leading to bloating and dangerous alcohol production. 

Symptoms of Raw Dough Toxicity in Dogs: 

  • Vomiting 
  • Stomach swelling 
  • Unsteady movements 
Safe alternative: Cooked bread in small amounts. Before feeding cooked bread, ensure it does not contain any toxic ingredient for dogs including raisins.

10. Dairy Products (Milk, Cheese, Ice Cream)

Many dogs are lactose intolerant. Lactose intolerance can lead to digestive conditions if dairy products are consumed.


  • Diarrhea 
  • Gas 
  • Vomiting 
Safe alternative: Lactose-free dog treats or frozen dog-safe yogurt.

What to Do If Your Dog Eats Something Toxic?

If you suspect your dog has eaten something toxic:

Stay calm – Panicking could cloud our thinking and hence it is most important that we stay calm so we can do what is right for the pet.

Check the quantity consumed – A small bite might not be serious in most of the cases but large amounts require immediate medical intervention.

Contact your vet or an emergency pet hotline immediately - Always ensure you have an expert to connect with at any time of the day should the need arise. Contacting the veterinarian immediately has saved lives many a time.

Never try home remedies without expert guidance - While certain home remedies work great for pet, in times of emergency it is best to reach out to your veterinarian and give home remedies only if it is recommended.

Knowing what is toxic for dogs is the first step towards pet safety. Keep toxic foods for dogs away from your pet's reach. Despite any temptation to share your food with your dog, always double-check ingredients to ensure it is pet-safe. When in doubt, refrain from sharing the food with your pet.

For more pet health tips, check out our YouTube Channel – PetsDiaryPages where we discuss dog nutrition, care, and expert-backed advice.

Do you have any questions or experiences related to toxic foods for dogs? Share them in the comments below!


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