If you had read my earlier post 'I Love Routines', you would have known how much I love routines. So, how would I feel to have my routine broken, not just for a day or two but for about three weeks...particularly, not being taken out for my daily walking?
Until then, my routine was very predictable. I thoroughly enjoyed outdoor walking and jogging. I loved all the interaction with new friends while on walk.
I was crazy about all that I could do at home right from playing power game with Big B and interfering in father's exercise session. Recently, father started joining mom and me for three days a week while we went jogging. So the fun was more...so was the competition.
Then there was a complete change happening inside me. Mom said it was referred to as heat. So, I was in heat then. It was a very new experience, sort of made me uncomfortable. So much cleaning around me sometimes made me feel sad. Adding to it was that there was no outdoor walking during the first week.
I was wondering what mom was discussing over phone for a long time. Every time mom discusses about me over phone, I feel concerned. Since I was in heat, I was pretty sure, whatever she was going to say may not be something that I would want to hear.
Mom, are you on a conference call or what?
Mom put the phone down and announced, "No outdoor walking for Chezhi". I was stunned.

Did I hear you right mom?
It seems I did. It was not a sudden decision actually. Mom had discussed this earlier with the doctor who had told mom to refrain from taking me out when I was in heat. If need be, he had told that I can be taken out for a walk after the first few days but it should be only for few minutes. Thank you doctor but honestly, I was hoping to hear something better.
My mom announced my current status to her niece, who had earlier told that any responsible pet parent would not take their pet out for a walk during heat. Well, she had not changed one bit. Ok, Big Sister, I was wrong to believe you would side with me.
Did you forget the fun we had together during an outdoor session, sister?
Ok, acceptance helps to handle things better and take things in my stride. So, I just got up to have a look at the outside world through the windows.
The world seems more beautiful now...
Still, it was hard to accept. Walking is the only time I get to step out of the house. Come on, mom, we live in an apartment. Don't you think it is unfair to have me inside four walls 24X7?Mom, does it have to be computer windows for you and home windows for me?
Mom can be adamant sometimes....just like dad. Big B always would stand by me but this time, he was against taking me outdoors.
I was feeling a bit tired...and bored. I was worried as well.
My eyes were fixed on the views through windows.
Is this why it is said that when a door closes, a window opens?
The family knew how bad I felt. They tried to engage me with a rope tug. Oh, how sweet of you guys. I love that you all want me to be happy. So, I pretended for a while to make them believe I was happy.
"Fake it until you make it" - Whoever said that?
The next few days were no different. I was beginning to get adapted to this new 'routine'.
I was not allowed as much power playing as I was used to as the family believed that it would make me tired...or were they afraid that there would be more spotting??
I had to simply watch father exercising on the mat, with all those exercise equipment that tempt me.
May be I should exercise my mind...
It is not always easy to just keep watching. I wanted to be actively involved but I was not allowed on the mat. So I went over to dad for some support...and rested my head on his face.
Do you know how deprived I feel, dad?
Father stopped exercising the next moment. Still no place for me on the mat, dad?
I don't understand. I have torn this exercise mat they had fixed on the floor and the family did not object to it. But when I was in heat, they were not letting me on the rolling exercise mat.
The trend continued for some more days. I kept watching dad in action.
May be fathers are born with privileges
I went over to the window again. Father tried to divert me and make me play. So, he rolled a blanket over me.
Is there a saying like, "Behind every worried daughter there is a funny father"...
That blanket roll helped for a while. I was just roaming around with the blanket on until it fell off me.
Father could not restrain me longer. So one day, he let me have a feel of his workout equipment.
Let's test my bite force vs your pull force father
He knew I was not being my normal, playful self. And that made him sad. He let me on the mat and next second I rested my head on his forearm and father, in turn...I appreciate it father
Though I am good at guessing what father will do next, this was least expected. Is this a win-win for both mom?
Father let me have the mat and moved to one side to continue exercising.
Next day, mom removed my collar and gave me a thorough bath. It was refreshing. I again went over to the window.
Sometimes, windows can be eyes to the soul...
You gave me a bath and now what next mom?
Don't say "A photo session" please
There was something else indeed...of course, photo session included. Mom put the collar on my neck.
After a week of waiting, mom was getting ready to take me out. And dad was joining us...YAEY.
For the next few days, mom and I were accompanied by father and at times by Big B. The walk, though, lasted only two streets.
Then, after three weeks, mom and I started going on our own. But, mom was carrying a stick for the first few days.
Just don't use the stick on anyone, okay mom?
Needless to say, mom has never used the stick on anyone. Also, she only carried it with her when I was in heat.
But in between, there was another change in my routine. Towards the end of the third week of my heat, my guys left me with the doctor's family to attend a family wedding in a different state.
Guys, you always say we are family, right?
It hurts to be away from family. Well, however, doctor's place was a comfort zone for me.
I had Roopa to play with and of course, Roopa's Big Brother...
We trust each other...
What did mom learn?
Lessons Learnt
There are many aspects to cover about a dog in heat. Right from the signs to know a dog is in heat and how the dog would feel during heat to what she should be fed with and how to handle the cleaning and if she should be on a diaper, the list really could go on.
There is another side to a dog being in heat. To let a dog, male or female, experience all the normal biological processes or have it neutered / spayed to prevent certain illnesses, increase in dog population and increase in number of homeless dogs.
The above-mentioned points need to be addressed in a separate post.
As of now, I would like to share a few things associated with having a pet in heat.
While in heat it is absolutely normal if your pet:
- sleeps for longer hours
- seems lethargic
- is not keen to have her usual share of food
- urinates more frequently
It is also normal to witness a change in your pet's behavior; she may become more clingy or grumpy.
Chezhi slept for longer hours but she never deprived herself of her share of food. In fact, she wanted to have a share in all that we had.
She was never grumpy. She did not display even the slightest of aggression.
But, one noticeable change in Chezhi's behavior as she entered into estrus stage was that she was showing an interest in male dogs. All along, while we went walking, Chezhi and I were a team...Chezhi would not have it any other way. But during estrus stage, she was my team member while walking just because she had to. I recalled the doctor's words, "When Chezhi is in heat and enters into estrus stage, you got to remember, that she is not the same daughter who used to obey you...and don't blame her for that. It is her hormones in play".
Yes, I could not agree more. Hormones have a definite say, period.
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