Skin Conditions in Dogs - This Would Have Been Mom's Title

It is almost a year since all these happened. During one of our visits to the beach, mom took some photos of me. As always, she was focused on capturing my face. 

Mom, I wish you would watch your steps

Little did I realize then that soon she and her camera will become more focused on my back.

One day something on my skin caught mom's attention. The next moment, she captured my back on her mobile camera. I think she sent it to the Doctor. It seemed like some sort of insect bite and the doctor suggested that we wait for a couple of days.

This is not the way I want to pose mom
Skin did not get better in those waiting days. 
Oh again! Your cam is focused on my back mom!
I sensed more trouble in my skin because it was also itching a lot. Mom clicked my back again to send to the doctor. I now felt sure there will be more pictures of my back till the skin got normal.
 Is yours a rear camera mom?
On seeing the above photo, the doctor informed mom that I was experiencing a skin condition and it has got to be treated. Doctor informed mom that he would come the next day. I realized, I was going to be injected...not a promising realization though.

Heavy downpour during the next three days confined people to their homes. So the doctor could not come over. Meanwhile, my skin condition was aggravating...and I started waiting for the doctor.
When will it be 'Rain, rain go away' moment?
After three days, the doctor paid a visit, injected me and prescribed some medicines. The recovery phase started. 

More and more pictures of my back were taken in the next few days so much so that I instantly started sitting down to show my back to mom so she could photograph.
At your service, mom
I was getting used to it. Though I did not like it, I knew mom needed it. I kept obliging.
I think you will make me photo allergic mom
The recovery phase was faster than we thought. I was force-fed medicines, which the family also felt sorry about. 

Mom often applied some paste or the other on my skin. If it was fresh aloe vera once, it was neem leaves paste or neem oil the other time. 
Did you also get fed up taking pics of my back mom?
Days went by quickly. 
Mom, if I had a trunk like this, I can apply the paste myself...
Mom would bathe me and take me to terrace.
Hope no one laughs at me for wearing a towel
Weekly twice bath came down to once-a-week bath. Terrace visits were enjoyable.
Why we call this sunbath while the sun would never bathe...

Some nights mom would apply some oil before sleep. While I love licking some I don't prefer a few. So, it sort of makes me feel anxious wondering what she would bring.
I wish I were an undercover agent...
My skin was tremendously improving as days went by. One day, mom stood in front of me with her mobile camera.
Oh, back to the front mom!!!

What did mom learn?

Right from types of infection in dogs, symptoms of different skin infection types to treatment and natural remedies for dogs' skin infection, the subject is really vast. The learning process has just commenced.


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