Humans can be difficult at times...and parents can be too tough to handle if they choose to be so. It was one such day.
The morning was as routine as it could be. I had my breakfast, Big B returned home from his practice, dad left for clinic after giving me a soft pat on my cheek.
Oh yes, I love it
I started jumping on mom. Within seconds I was biting her. Mom said, "No Chezhi" but I didn't listen. Mom kept repeating 'No" and I kept repeating my biting. A perfectly routine day until then.
Mom jumped over the bedroom barrier and that was a routine too...but she slipped and fell on the other side with a scream. I was stunned. I looked at her from my side of the barrier and I did not know what to do from there. Slowly mom got up and then she realized that the barrier had cracked and also was not in place. There was a gap as the barrier had moved and I could have entered the bedroom. But I did not.
Mom placed the cracked barrier in place and took a pic.
My goodness, mom, is mobile your sixth finger?
In a while, the barrier broke off completely. I was happy for a minute before the family closed the bedroom door. I was disappointed and went running to the sack and lied down to show my disapproval.
Will they change their decision?
Shortly a new barrier was in place. This new barrier was just before the television cabinet all these days and now they put it in front of the bedroom door.
It seemed like they had no intention of changing their decision. I decided to grow up by stretching and started doing Seated Forward Bend Pose. This may also impress the family as they run a yoga blog.
Hope they don't realize it is Lying Forward Bend
Soon, mom started telling that it was easy for me to cross the barrier. Dad replied, "Let's see what she does". Big B encouraged me as usual.
I am a grown-up girl dad, treat me like one...
Oh, how small I was then
Now I am taller and I can easily have a look beyond the barrier.
You make me feel left out fellas
I can have a look inside just by sitting on the other side. While my toys and bed are in the living area, the family's table, chair, computer, Big B's racket, Big B' bag and dad's bag are all inside the room. The family feels that it may not be a good idea to let me inside the room before I am perfectly trained in all ways. Sometimes, I feel the family still treats me like a little one.
This is our home but this room is only yours guys?
I kept inspecting the new barrier. Though it is new as a barrier I am familiar with that. Still, it seemed different since it now played a different role.
Is there a way in?
I think I also told you how father brings me inside this room in 'Is There A Silent Fight Going on For Alpha Status? - Final'. But this is the first time I crossed a barrier to get inside on my own. I felt like I landed on the moon. I was very curious to check each and every corner of the room. Big B, why don't you teach me some tennis?
I rushed to the window but there was a screen in between.

There was a window here mom...Where is it now?
My goodness...The fan looks so tempting. It will be great if I can get a chance to lick it.
I think you can keep this fan outside guys
Mom made some adjustments so I can look through the window. Oh, it was so nice to look through the window.
Can we make this my place mom?
It was all nice and interesting. I just went near the barrier.
Oh, this is how it feels to look from inside...
In a while, I was brought outside the room. The funny part for them and sad part for me was that I did not know how to cross the barrier to get inside again. Do puppies have short-term memories?
What did mom learn today?
Today's Lessons
When puppies are boundary trained, they refrain from entering the restricted area even when no boundaries are set. Hence, it has nothing to do with short-term memory.
It is always essential that puppies are trained in the right way if the family does not want puppy to enter a particular space at home. Boundary training requires the family to be consistent in their efforts. If the space is a no-no for puppy it should be so on all occasions until the puppy is perfectly trained. And the most important rule is to never punish a puppy if the puppy crosses the boundary. However, applaud the puppy if she stays outside the restricted area even if the boundary is not set.
While some studies suggest that dogs have short-term memories certain other studies present a different view. In one particular study, it was proven that dogs don't just live in the present but they also keep forming memories.
There was an interesting post about boundary training by AKC. To read the post, check here.
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