Hope you recall my mentioning about the lifting of barrier to allow me into the bedroom in my post Many Firsts Including My First Walk Outdoors. Ever since, I have been giving dad a tough time while he exercises. Hope you remember the punching bag episode when I forced my father to stop kicking the punching bag.
It was the most effective way to stop dad
Even when the barrier was in place, there were times I was allowed inside and I used to have fun when dad and Big B exercised. I have also mentioned about it in an earlier post Is There a Silent Fight Going on for Alpha Status - Final. I also shared a pic.
Wow! I was a kid then
Father never objected to my interference. Even now, he doesn't mind though I don't just sit around. In the afternoon on the first day of lifting the barrier, mom and dad laid down two yoga mats and one bedspread. They placed a ball on the bedspread and asked me to play with it while they performed exercises on their yoga mats.
Aren't yours better than mine guys?
For a moment, I thought I will do what father was doing.
Is this Standing Forward Bend Pose?
But soon I lost interest. I placed the ball on dad's mat and asked him to come and play with me. But father did not seem keen. He was focused on what he was doing.

At least give me your yoga mat dad
Fine, I'll go over to mom. She may oblige me. I tugged at mom's feet and she got up instantly from whatever exercise she was doing.
Well, no. Mom had no intention of playing with me. She immediately went for her mobile to take pictures of me. Typical of mom.
Anyway, I got to use mom's yoga mat.
Don't ask me to do Down Dog Pose guys
But then it is not fun to keep playing with a ball when you have family around, right? So, I went to father again.
Come on dad, be a sport
Father can be adamant at times. Most of the times he finds a way to exercise even when I try to stop him.
Now the ball is in your court dad
Father did not mind. I did not either.Let's Not Make it a Power Game Dad
Though the family seemed amused by my interference, I was least amused. But dad could get crazy with ideas.
Dad, what should my tail be doing?
And he almost had some success. But then, I decided to put an end to it.Oh dad, you are getting mischievous
As I refused to move, dad started doing push-ups.
He moved on to his next set of exercises. That was when I decided to play the game dad's way...may be it is time for some power game. It is my turn dad...
I am going to make it tough for you father.
Now it is showtime dad
From now on, whatever exercise you do, whenever you do, wherever you do, I am going to be beside you, behind you, in front of you and all over you.
Karla kattai has always tempted me. You remember my mentioning about karla kattai in My New Challenge? This was the pic taken at that time. May be I was just about the size of the handle then?
But now father, I am more competitive.
Are you going to do push-ups now?
You wanna try abs dad?
Doing pull-ups? I am gonna pull you down now. Sometimes, father plays a different game.
Sometimes we come to a compromise.
That's the spirit dad
What did mom learn?
Lesson yet to learn:
Why do some dogs interfere when their human parents workout?
Here are some answers / assumptions:
Going by how Chezhi behaved when father practiced kicks on his punching bag, we concluded that she felt she was rescuing dad from something (exercise) that could hurt him.
Pets love their humans' scent so much that they always want to be as close as possible to anything that human family uses. Hence, sweating while exercising can also draw them closer.
Pets love to be actively involved in whatever the pet family is doing. Hence, just watching from the sidelines during family workout is a big no-no for them.
Pets love your fitness equipment as they view it as something to play with. Hence, they may want a share of your yoga mat if not your whole mat.
There may be many answers or assumptions to this question. All of them may be right or a few may be incorrect. There may be more answers as well. Of course, reasons will vary from pet to pet. Whatever the reason, enjoy your time with pet even as you are working on a fitness goal.
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